The other day I got fed up with chasing my kid about his
homework. Every day it was like
pulling teeth. When I would bring up his homework it was always accompanied
with him whining about how hard it is, how he doesn’t want to do it, wants to
do something else, will do it later and would even start crying because its too
much. It’s enough to make you lose your goddamn mind. I blamed the school, I
blamed myself and I blamed him. Then I made a decision one weekend. I sat my
kid down and gave it to him straight.
“Baby, I’m not responsible for you doing your homework. Ok?”
“Everyday I chase you to make sure you do your homework and
I get so frustrated as though it’s my
responsibility. I feel like I’ve
failed and done something wrong when you
don’t do it and I get mad at you when
you don’t really seem to care. But I’ve realized it can’t be my responsibility.
Doing your homework is your responsibility. Okay?”
He’s confused, “ok…”
“So when we get home, I will remind you that you have
homework and will help you if you ask for help but it is on you to actually do it. I won’t be mad if
you don’t, but you’re the one that has to go to school and tell the teacher you
chose not to do it.”
He’s starting to get it, “ok…”
“You also need to know that your homework is a part of what
will get you into 2nd grade.”
He’s now wide-eyed and completely aware of what is on the
line “…OK.”
That Monday after our talk, this dude did his homework. I
reminded him three times throughout the evening.
On our way home, “Alright so today you have Reading and
English homework due tomorrow.”
When we got home, “Your English book is on your desk if you
need it”
And while he ate dinner, “Any plans when you’re done
“Probably do my homework”, he looks at me at nods as he
sticks some ravioli in his mouth.
“Cool, I’m going to be on the couch if you need help with
I left him alone and he actually did it. The next morning he
was so proud of himself that he didn’t have to rush to do his homework. I could
see it on his face, he owned up to a choice and felt the pride of the result.
You hear that life is a series of choices; well I’m going
one step further. LIFE is a choice. Every single moment you suck air, you are
making a choice that is part of the bigger picture. Will you get out of bed?
Will you brush your teeth? Will you have breakfast? Will you own the day? Will
you own your life?
We make excuses for our feeling lack of successful; money,
family, friends, opposite-sex, same-sex, weight, job, kids. We even compare
ourselves to other people who we think have more success and say things like
“well they’ve had it easier”, “I haven’t had as much opportunity”, or “They
grew up in money”. Fuck that. Fuck that. Fuck that. First of all “success” is a
relative thing so figure out what success means to you. Second of all, don’t be
comparing your ass to no one else except your ass; you are your own awesome badass
self and deserve that. Thirdly, success is a choice so own it.
I don’t have a choice – I have to stay late at work; I don’t have a choice – I have to spend time with my friends/family.
Those are choices, choices you are making as part of your bigger
picture. As long as you know what you’re trying to achieve and where your
priorities are there is no reason not to own up to every single choice you
There have been times I think about how lucky I am. I think
“damn, I am so happy we don’t have to live in a car next week!” or “This job is
even better than the last!” or “I’m so happy my kid isn’t a douchebag!” or “
Wow! I truly love this Man.” Then I realize…all these successes were choices… a
long series of very hard choices that I tackled with conviction and focus in
order to achieve my goals. Now, watching my kid accomplish things he himself is
proud of is huge for me to witness. We all deserve to feel proud of our
accomplishments. It’s those feelings of pride in our accomplishments that help
us build and create so many more.
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