I came across a post from the BookFace group "Mothers Need to Vent". First of all I love this group because its a great way for moms to just let it all out without being judged. A mom had realized that her tendency to be a fearful mom was putting her in a place with a lot of doubt. When her kid asked her if they could sleep over at a friend's, her fear of their innocence being compromised took over and she would reject their request. She was afraid they would be up against peer pressure to do something wrong and the fear that she wouldn't be there for them. This was my response:
I'll tell you what I tell my kid because lord knows I am not a saint; just because someone else does something doesn't mean you have to do it. If you hear someone say a bad word, it's okay to hear it, to witness it, it doesn't mean you have to go out there and do the same thing. But it starts with trust between you and your kid. You raised them to be good kids. If you trust them, they learn to trust themselves and their goodness. There is a lot of shit in the world we can't protect them from, trust your love for them that they can trust themselves.
I'll tell you what I tell my kid because lord knows I am not a saint; just because someone else does something doesn't mean you have to do it. If you hear someone say a bad word, it's okay to hear it, to witness it, it doesn't mean you have to go out there and do the same thing. But it starts with trust between you and your kid. You raised them to be good kids. If you trust them, they learn to trust themselves and their goodness. There is a lot of shit in the world we can't protect them from, trust your love for them that they can trust themselves.
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